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Our Mission

ECC is an Evangelical Church committed to bible teaching, spreading the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ and serving our community. Our Church is a place where everyone is welcome, regardless of their background where our aim is to provide a range of services to help people grow in their faith and develop their relationship with God. Join us today and experience the love

and grace of Jesus for yourself.



Breaking of Bread [Communion] - 10.00am

A time for Christians to worship together as we remember the Lord's death and resurrection in the breaking of bread and drinking of the cup

with thankfulness and praise. 

Refreshments & Chat - 11.50am 
Sunday Service - 11.15am 

We join together to praise our Saviour, a time where we sing worship hymns and songs, pray together, and hear a Christian message relevant for us today. It is a time when we can collectively enjoy the wonder of the greatness of God in reaching down to mankind in His unfailing love and grace. 


Why not come along and see for yourself? 

Upcoming Events

"If you look to the world, you'll be distressed.

If you look within, you'll be depressed.

But if you look at Christ, you'll be at rest".

Corrie ten Boom


Listen to Our Latest Sermon: Elijah Mighty Prophet

Missed a sermon? Don't worry, you can listen to our latest sermons online anytime, or visit our YouTube page. 

Lord, I have heard of your fame;
I stand in awe of your deeds,
Repeat them in our day,
in our time make them

Habakkuk 3:2  

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